Reservoir Simulators


The objective of this project is to develop a reservoir simulator with the capability of simulating various recovery processes under one framework. This new simulator is designed to handle miscible gas flooding, chemical flooding, and thermal flooding processes for conventional and unconventional reservoirs. The simulator will also have the capability of executing on parallel computers. The main goal of the project is development of a unified simulator capable of performing simulations for large complex reservoirs operating under various recovery processes.


UTCHEMRS is a three-dimensional, chemical flooding reservoir simulator capable of modelling up to four-phase flow, namely, an aqueous phase, and oleic phase, a microemulsion phase, and a gas phase. An adaptive implicit method (AIM) with switching criteria based on stability analysis is implemented to improve both time-step size selection and performance. Reservoirs can be discretized using Cartesian and Corner-Point grids. A stable third order high resolution scheme is implemented for Cartesian grids, reducing the need for very fine grids and the effects of grid orientation.

Physical dispersion is modeled using a full dispersion tensor. Phase behavior is calculated using a three phase hands rule in the case of micellar flooding systems, steam tables in the case of steam injection, and black-oil model when the black-oil option is used. Salinity and divalent cation effects are considered for both micellar phase behavior and polymer properties. The Corey model with capillary desaturation capability is implemented to properly model ASP processes. Other important effects such as polymer rheology and surfactant and polymer retention are also considered. Capabilities for modelling fractures through an Embedded Discrete Fracture Model is also included. Some of the applications for UTCHEMRS are:

  • Waterflood
  • Polymerflood
  • Surfactant-Polymer flooding with salinity gradient
  • Alkaline-surfactant flooding
  • Alkaline-cosolvent flooding
  • Tracer tests
  • Electrical heating
  • Hot water and steam injection
  • Fractured reservoirs

UTCOMPRS is a three-dimensional, EOS Compositional reservoir simulator capable of modelling up to four-phase flow, namely, an aqueous phase, and oleic phase, a gaseous phase, and a second nonaqueous liquid phase. An adaptive implicit method (AIM) with switching criteria based on stability analysis is implemented to improve both time-step size selection and performance. Reservoirs can be discretized using Cartesian, Corner-Point or Unstructured grids. Stable high resolution schemes are also implemented for both Cartesian and Unstructured grids, reducing the need for very fine grids and the effects of grid orientation.

Physical dispersion is modeled using a full dispersion tensor with an approach to handle viscous fingering. Phase behavior is calculated using the Peng-Robinson equation of state or a modified version of the Redlich-Kwong equation of state. A robust phase stability and flash calculation along with a phase identification algorithm provides a reliable and efficient phase behavior package within UTCOMPRS. Several relative permeability models are implemented, including models that consider hysteresis effects. Capabilities for modelling fractures through an Embedded Discrete Fracture Model is also included. Some of the applications for UTCOMPRS are:

  • Miscible and immiscible gas injection processes
  • CO2 sequestration
  • Gas condensate reservoirs
  • Tracer tests
  • Mobility control using foam or polymer
  • Asphaltene precipitation and deposition
  • Fractured reservoirs
  • Water alternating gas injection

Simulator Comparison

  • Multicomponent
  • Four phase model: aqueous, oil, microemulsion, gas
  • Microemulsion environments: Type I, II, and III
  • Semi-implicit thermal model
  • Cartesian Grids
  • Corner-Point Grids
  • Inactive Cells
  • TVD Schemes
  • Fully Implicit Approaches
  • Adaptive Implicit Approach
  • Polymer
  • Surfactant
  • Alkali
  • Two alcohols
  • Capillary desaturation
  • EDFM
  • Geochemistry
  • Compositional
  • Three phase flash calculation
  • Semi-implicit thermal model
  • Cartesian Grids
  • Corner-Point Grids
  • Unstructured Grids
  • Inactive Cells
  • TVD Schemes
  • Fully Implicit Approaches
  • Adaptive Implicit Approaches
  • Polymer
  • Dilute Surfactant
  • Tracers
  • Foam
  • Hysteresis
  • EDFM
  • Geomechanics
  • Geochemistry